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.Tuesday, November 3, 2009 ' 5:19 PM
yesterday, i woke up at 6.40am.
then left home at about 7.20am.
i headed for school for the video! ;D
reached school at about 8.10am?
handed in the option form.(:
then we did anisa's crossword puzzle.
then later celynn and hannah joined in.
so funny!
they both wanted to highlight the found word.
then the highlighter broke.
then later went to the library to discuss the video, acually confirm the roles.
after that, secs 4 came in so we left to the fourth level empty corridor.
we rehearse almost all the scenes.
haha me and anisa in morner and catwalk.
super funny!
then later we camwhore.
10 straight shots!
then rehearse the whole thing continuosly.
after that we left for lunch at pizza hut!
with celynn, meaghan, anisa and sarah.
i ate chesse and chic. haha;D
then me and celynn shared starry muchies.
after eating, we still got quite some time.
so we went to an open space to camwhore again!
seriously camwhoring can be tiring.
then we went to the stadium to rest.
lied down.
then it started raining.
warmed up in sheltered area.
then we went to do drills, and exercises.
schedule was 60mX5 and 150m X4
then cooled down.
went to koi to buy bubbletea.
then headed back for home.
tired day!

. ' 5:12 PM
last sunday, i went to escape with celynn and syasya! haha;D
left home at about 11.45am?
i took dad's car to tampines mrt and then took mrt to pasir ris.
then bused to downtown east.
met at subway.
then me and celynn went into escape first.
then later syasya came.
we rode the family go-cart thing twice before syasya came.
these are the rides we went on:
viking ship, go-cart, family roller coaster, children the airplane thingy and soo onn.
we tried all the rides actually. except ferris wheel?
then we left there at 8pm.
bused to pasir ris mrt with syasya.
all the pictures we took is on facebook!

.Saturday, October 31, 2009 ' 4:19 PM
yesterday is the last day of school.
omg. it was like super sadd.
cant believe that we are going to seperate.
two years. that we are together.
in the morning, we had the giving out of report book to the top three in the hall.
then principal's address. its okay.
we returned to class and discussed on the chalet.
can wait for it!
then recess. we decided to eat as a class. but not enough seats.
after recess, we went back to class and took pictures!;D
then it was 'Use your hand campaign'.
we cleaned up the class for like 1hour together.
then we settled down for some class activities.
firstly, we had some sharings by everyone for the class.
secondly, we played murderer.
thirdly, we cheered like super duper loud.
forthly, we did the friendship dance.
last message to 2/O:
it had been great having you guys as classmates for the past two years! seriously, i felt so fortunate to be in this class. last year, we were rather dispersed into different cliques. we only work with people whom we were close with. and even for the best class award, we've gotten last third.
however, we have become more bonded and close relationship as a class. we've even won the best class award. still remember the starting of the year, we stayed back to help out with the class decoration, noticeboard, and chinese new year decoration. this shows how much effort each and every of us put in effort for the class.;D also, we are able to work with anyone in the class, not just only within our cliques and but everone! this shows an inprovements already. Also, our class supports everyone in any events, for example, sports day, interclass games, and even when our friends achieve an award. they would cheer and encourage each and everyone on. our class had become much more bonded than what we are last year. much much bonded! it's just hard to believe that we are going to seperate from one another.
although our last day of school has ended, but i hope that we could still be great friends forever! i seriously hope that we could have class gatherings after this, so that our relationships can still keep close. forever. i will miss you guys!<3
omg, its like for the sharing, a lot of us cried. so sadd!
i will miss the times spend with you guys!
i love all of you guys!
meena,adrienne,amanda, fayyadhah,felina, claudia, radha, kanchen,aiwei,denise,mavia, margie,wai ling, yu lan, faadhilah, huda, pooja, natasha,shamitaa,sangeetha,sarah,saras,desiree, xintong,xiantong,suneta,michelle,wan xin, thanveer, jia en, vernadine,victoria.
you guys rocks to the max!!
thankyou jia en for the dolls you made for each and every of us. it is really awesome!
thankyou desiree for the letter you wrote! haha.;D

yesterday training was at toa payoh!
after school went training with celynn, hidayu, diana and syasya.
ate at 7-eleven.
then bussed to toa payoh
warmed up, stretching, drills.
we also did 2 different jumps on the jumping pit.
then the schedule was 2 sets of 300mX3.
ran with clara, celynn and amanda.
the last run was like super tired!
then warm down.
training all ended like at 6.30pm?
kinda late. haha;D
then bus to the interchange with clara, amanda, hidayu and meaghan.(;
went to 'Old Chang Kee' and bought some food.
then we went to NTUC! haha;D
then after that trained home with them till bishan then they took the circle line.
while meaghan took to Ang Mo Kio.

i will upload the pics took in school on facebook! (:
i love 2/O <333

.Thursday, October 29, 2009 ' 5:06 PM
omg school is ending in like 1day?
so sad! gonna miss those people in 2/O! :((
two years had just passed so quickly.
today was totally boring in school.
ohya and we won the best class award!
woohoo yippee!!(:
today schedule of activities was all talks.
oh my!
first we have some sharings from the sec3s who went on the UK trip
and is like got two is totally repetition! arghh
got one powerpoint was super wordy!
then after that we got some movie therapy.
that was okay.
then break for recess. ate western threats.
then went back to class for a while. then headed back to the hall for more talks.
some talks on "eat less meat". like whatt??!
as we were sitting on chairs, i slept like for 10-20mins?
so tired! after that, we went back to class and touch up the banner.
then headed to the Kolam Ayer CC for some more talks again!
what a day!
after the talks, it is already about 2pm?
and then had to return to school for the track training trip meeting.
the date has already set.
its 30 november to 6 December! hahas;D
then went to toa payoh subway with desiree and then bussed home!

.Wednesday, October 28, 2009 ' 8:05 PM
hello;D back again!!
today was kind of fun fun.<3
went to school as usual.
then had to check our marks for end of year.
we had learning journey to some dragon kiln place.
our class and 2S waited for the stupid bus for like 1hour?
me and adrienne sat in the front of the class.
then she said that we were away from civilisation.
haha so funny! (:
then we decided to go to xin tong there.
back to civilisation!
sat there and talked.
then we had a break because the bus didnt come!
played xintong DS for a while.
then we thought the bus arrived. we chiong "away" from civilisation.
haha. lol.
omg! haha
today he come talk to me.
and he actually remember my name!
then he sat beside me!<3
haha;D cool!
then meena go laugh at me. she knows it from the malaysia lj....
then we left for the dragon kiln which is like so far..
spend like 2hours there?
suppose to be 3hours.
but wasted an hour in school!
then after that headed back to school.
after that we had recess. which was like at close to 12?
haixx. actually wanted to talk a pic with him. but he haven come back when we went back.
then suppose to have some movie screening after that,
but no one came, so i helped out with the banner.
haha. funfun!
then went for training with celynn.
we did exercises. and my leg felt so shivery after those.
then, 6 times of 150m sprint, 50m walk, 50m sprint, 50m walk.
and 2 sets of those.
then cool down for 5mins.
took mrt with meaghan back home.
nowadays. when i see him, he will smile to me!<3

.Tuesday, October 27, 2009 ' 3:51 PM
today was load fun!! we've got inter-class games.
road relay, basketball and soccer.
our class came in second for the 1st race and fourth for the 2nd race.
1st race- amanda, me, desiree, natasha, felina, yulan, faddhilah, denise, amanda and me (again, haha)
2nd race- xiantong, xintong, shamitaa,faddhilah, vernadine, saras, natasha, sangeetha, amanda
awesome. our class super bonded. we cheered for one another that is running.
omg today i am so happy.
he actually know my name. super suprised. haha;D okay this is lame.
he like called me twice. super funny!(:
then he came and asked us to go help out outside for the road relay.
me, adrienne, denise and desiree! hahas;D
funny people!
cheered other people on!
then later amanda, natasha, xiantong, xintong, and yulan came out to other there.
haha took pictures.
actually, i wanted to go watch other events. but cannt!
today's recess was ultra long. haha.
then we had to teach 2M oragami. the doll and crane.
then went back to class. took pictures with mavis and jayne.
after that went for the AIS meeting.
only left school at like 2.26pm?
the date haven confirm yet!
tomorrow there is some learning journey i guess.
dunno if it is fun or not. haha;D
and training tomorrow!
saw him thrice since after recess today!
in total, like four times?
pictures took today is uploaded on facebook! haha.

.Monday, October 26, 2009 ' 6:44 PM
like the last post was months before end of year.
finally the major exam is over. played like madd.
on deepavali, my family and i went to istana. haha. cool!
spend like 2hours there.
we also went for the building tour. nicenice!
this post is rather late! haha.
then we went to shop in orchard.
last friday, training was in school. and we did a lot of exercises.
and i got muscle ache. arghh...
then after training got the training trip meeting and only left school at like 12plus.
then went out with celynn, meaghan, syasya and then met mavis and jayne.
coz they got sec one meeting for the video, so...
haha;D went to watch movie with celynn and syasya.
Julie and Julia.
the show is nice. haha(:
then took neoprint with celynn and syasya. so cool! ;P
then we chiong down to the first level to support stephanie.
her dressing was super duper ultra nice. heh(:
then train home with meaghan and mavis and jayne took the opposite direction train.
today, got back all out end of year paper.
dammn stressed before the day started.
then after that we had training. did exercises.
then 4X100 and 2X200 in relay mode.
fun but tiring after the 4X100 set.
the training trip may be postpone to the last week of november.
hope so that there is empty space. then celynn can go. haha.;D
trained home with desiree and meaghan after going to macs.
omg. haha;D i saw_ on friday. _ smile to me. and not only once, but twice.
haha;D so cool! then today _ look and me again. haha;D

♥ Me

Joanne(: ♥
2nd June:D
Cedarian, ex-aitongian
Cedar Tracker(:

Shout ! ♥

Taggies :D.
dun leave without tagging! hahas(:.

Music ♥

Past ♥